
Provádíme kompletní silnoproudé elektroinstalační práce a nové elektroinstalace pří výstavbě či rekonstrukci jakékoliv pozemní stavby. Dále nabízíme revize elektrozařízení dle norem ČNS, opravu a údržbu elektrických zařízení a elektrospotřebičů včetně roz

silnoproudé elektroinstalační práce

High and Low current
Fire Protection Systems
Machine relocation
Machine cooling
PLC programming
Industrial offices
Industrial floors

Industrial floors

Epoxy screeds

Epoxy screeds significantly increase the quality parameters of floors, especially in terms of mechanical, chemical and aesthetic properties. Epoxy systems have a number of variants from smooth, non-slip, colored sand to highly decorative interior floors, so every customer can choose well.

Area of application

  • for production and storage areas with different degrees of load and frequency of handling equipment
  • industrial halls of engineering, automobile
  • food industry
  • chemical plants
  • exhibition areas
  • supermarkets
  • garage
  • parking
  • hospital


  • application speed
  • chemical resistance
  • long service life
  • fast load capacity
  • high flexibility
  • ecological safety
  • abrasion resistance


It must be dust-free, free of oil and grease. Moisture in concrete must not exceed 4%. The application procedure includes thorough preparation of the substrate - shot blasting, milling, correction of unevenness.

The next step of the application is to coat the substrate with a penetrating compound.



Possibility of execution

The resulting surface structures of the floors depend on the customer's wishes. They can be done from completely smooth to very rough. The colors of epoxy floor surfaces follow the scale of the RAL swatch. The system can be applied from simple epoxy coatings to more complex screed systems, especially on concrete floors. To significantly increase the abrasion resistance, Hardtop PUR topcoat is applied to the already finished layer.